Continuing Education Programs

Sufi Psychology Reading and Study Group 
On Zoom

Second Friday of the month, ongoing. Starting April 2021.
Noon – 1pm (Pacific Time)
Call for information: (415) 499-1115
Or email

Facilitator: Amelia Pryor, Ph.D., LMFT
Monthly reading and study group on Sufi Psychology. Various readings will be provided and discussed, providing and introduction and overview Sufi Psychology. Reading and discussion may include aspects of self, transformation, ways of aligning heart and mind, and achieving balance.

Readings may include chapters and articles on Sufi psychology (ancient and contemporary), Islamic philosophy, and Sufi poetry. Some experiential practice may be included. 

As a result of completing each session – one hour of individual reading and one hour of group discussion – participants will be able to:

·       List two aspects of Sufi Psychology.

·       Name one effect of transformation of self in Sufi Psychology.

·       Identify one Sufi-based practice.

Fee: $15 session
CEU’s: 2

Dr. Pryor is a psychotherapist who has been studying, practicing and writing about Sufism for many years. Her publications include “Psychology in Sufism” and “Sufism: Self, Path and Guide.” 

This workshop meets the requirements for 2 hours of continuing education credit for LCSWs, LMFTs, LPCCs and LEPs as required by the Board of Behavioral Sciences.

The Community Healing Centers is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists, as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences, to sponsor continuing education for LCSWs, LMFTs, LPCCs and LEPs, Provider number: 90789. Community Healing Centers maintains responsibility for this program/course and its content. Continuing Education grievances and request for refunds, disability accommodations, copies of CEU certificates or other records should be directed to Dr. Ellen Hammerle at (415) 499-1115. For our policies pertaining to these matters, please go to the policies page.


The Interplay of Psychology and Spirituality

Saturday, March 13, 2021
9am- 4:30pm
$75 Student

6 CEUs for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs, and/or LEPs**

Dr. Prendergast, Dr. Blackstone, Dr. McCraty, Dr. Schmall and Dr. Bobrow and the International Association of Sufism, Community Healing Centers, and Sufism and Psychology Forum.


Program Description 

This year’s Beyond Identification program focuses on the practice of psychotherapy grounded in a heart-centered approach. The heart has been recognized as a center of awareness in many spiritual traditions since ancient times. Recently, the field of psychotherapy has begun to recognize its relevance, from both neurobiological and experiential perspectives. 

There is still much to be learned about the role of the heart in promoting human development and healing. The presenters at this event are all experts in their fields and represent a variety of psychotherapeutic approaches and spiritual disciplines. This program offers the opportunity to increase our understanding and awareness of how focus on the heart can remove impediments and increase the possibility of realizing our full human potential.

What you will learn

  • An overview of an approach to psychotherapy that is grounded in the spiritual underpinnings of heart-centered approaches.

  • A psychological understanding of psychotherapy practice grounded in a heart-centered approach.

  • The concept of the role of the heart in promoting human development and healing.

  • Awareness on heart for self-regulation, realization, meditative inquiry and the doorway to divine as integral to psychotherapy practice.

  • Grief as heart-opening practice in psychotherapy.

Schedule of CEU Topics


 CEU Learning Objectives 

As a result of attending this retreat participants will be able to:

  • Describe an overview of an approach to psychotherapy that is grounded in a heart-centered approach.

  • Identify at least two approaches to psychotherapy grounded in a heart-centered approach.

  • Name three frameworks for the interaction between psychotherapeutic approaches and spiritual discipline.

  • Identify three psychological understandings of how focus on the heart can remove impediments and increase realization of our full human potential.

  • Name two concepts of heart-based meditation inquiry. 

  • Identify the methods used to focus awareness on heart for self-regulation and realization.

  • Describe the practice of mourning/grief to open the heart.

  • Describe performing heart-centered practice as the doorway to Divine.

 For more information please call (415) 499-1115 or email

**The Community Healing Centers is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists, as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences, to sponsor continuing education for LCSWs, LMFTs, LPCCs and LEPs, Provider number: 90789. Community Healing Centers maintains responsibility for this program/course and its content. Continuing Education grievances and request for refunds, disability accommodations, copies of CEU certificates or other records should be directed to Dr. Ellen Hammerle at (415) 499-1115. For our policies pertaining to these matters, please go to the policies page.

Course meets the qualifications for 6 hours of continuing education credit for LMFTs, LCSWs, LPCCs and/or LEPs as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences.

Heart-based Meditation for Therapists

Workshop Sessions will be held at two locations:
      CHC Novato Office -  Four Sunday mornings, 10-11am, facilitated by Ellen Hammerle, Ph.D., LMFT
      CHC San Francisco Office - Four Thursday evenings, 7-8pm, facilitated by Amelia Pryor, Ph.D., LMFT

Call for dates and to pre-register: (415) 499-1115

Heart-based meditation is a centuries old practice for bringing attention and awareness to the heart, and aligning heart and mind for balance, focus, and presence. Heart-based practices have been shown to increase a stable sense of self, and are beneficial in establishing and maintaining healthy boundaries in clinical work and in reducing vicarious trauma. This experiential seminar will help you understand what heart-based is, the benefits for the therapist, and practical applications in clinical practice.

Through presentation and experiential exercises, you will learn powerful techniques that can easily be integrated into your life and therapy practice. As a therapist you will learn ways to integrate this work for your own self-care.

As a result of attending 4 sessions, participants will be able to:
·       List two techniques to increase heart-based presence in your life and in work with clients.
·       Identify three ways in which you become distracted from your heart center in your life and in your clinical work.
·       Describe two strategies you can use to focus your awareness and return your attention to your heart center.
·       List two specific ways to integrate heart-based practice in the therapeutic session.

Fee: $10/session

This workshop meets the requirements for 4 hours of continuing education credit for LCSWs, LMFTs, LPCCs and LEPs as required by the Board of Behavioral Sciences.

The Community Healing Centers is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists, as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences, to sponsor continuing education for LCSWs, LMFTs, LPCCs and LEPs, Provider number: 90789. Community Healing Centers maintains responsibility for this program/course and its content. Continuing Education grievances and request for refunds, disability accommodations, copies of CEU certificates or other records should be directed to Dr. Ellen Hammerle at (415) 499-1115. For our policies pertaining to these matters, please go to the policies page.

Treatment Planning Workshop for Therapists

Workshop Sessions will be held at: CHC Novato Office or CHC Mill Valley Office

Call for dates and to pre-register: (415) 499-1115

Facilitator: Amelia Pryor, Ph.D., LMFT, LPCC

In this 60-minute clinical workshop therapists will have the opportunity to discuss cases and formulate a treatment plan for a client. Methods for deepening awareness of the client’s treatment goals, the level of presence of the therapist, and multicultural and diversity perspectives and will be integrated into the treatment plan.

Awareness of client goals in treatment and awareness of the stance and state of the therapist are important in ongoing clinical work.
This workshop is intended for seasoned therapists who want a safe and confidential environment in which to expand their perspectives and discuss cases. This experiential workshop will help clinicians understand the benefits of a multifaceted treatment plan and practical applications in clinical practice.

Through presentation and experiential exercises, participants will gain perspectives that can be integrated into therapy practice. 
As a result of attending a 60-minute session, participants will be able to:

  • List two ways that a treatment plan will be updated or modified for a client

  • Describe one aspect of your inner state or level of presence that has influenced one of the cases in the workshop

  • Describe a strategy to increase your awareness of multicultural or other forms of diversity perspective into your clinical practice

Fee: $30/session

This workshop meets the requirements for one hour of continuing education credit for LCSWs, LMFTs, LPCCs and LEPs as required by the Board of Behavioral Sciences.

The Community Healing Centers is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists, as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences, to sponsor continuing education for LCSWs, LMFTs, LPCCs and LEPs, Provider number: 90789. Community Healing Centers maintains responsibility for this program/course and its content. Continuing Education grievances and request for refunds, disability accommodations, copies of CEU certificates or other records should be directed to Dr. Ellen Hammerle at (415) 499-1115. For our policies pertaining to these matters, please go to the policies page.


Forty Days: Alchemy of Tranquility® Program

Annual Week-end Retreat: Check back for 2022 dates

The Program

Practical. Intense. Transformative.

This unique program is based on the ancient recognition that psychology, physiology, and spiritual experience are interrelated and interconnected dimensions of the whole self. To better understand any one dimension requires exploration of all dimensions. Such an exploration fosters emotional balance and a deeper understanding of our attitudes, behavior and spiritual development.

The 40 Days Alchemy of Tranquility Series is designed for individuals interested in further exploring the multiple dimensions of self, as well as for practicing psychotherapists who are interested in methods for addressing these dimensions with their clients. CHC clinicians present at and facilitate workshops in the Alchemy of Tranquility Program. 

Call (415) 499-1115 for more information.

CEUs are offered through International Association of Sufism/40 Days: Alchemy of Tranquility Program. IAS/40 Days: Alchemy of Tranquility Program is approved by the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists, as required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences, to sponsor continuing education for LCSWs, LMFTs, and LEPs. Provider number: 95354. IAS/40 Days maintains responsibility for this program/course and its content. Continuing Education grievances and request for refunds, disability accommodations, copies of CEU certificates or other records should be directed to For our policies pertaining to these matters, please go to