The Program
Practical. Intense. Transformative.
This unique program is based on the ancient recognition that psychology, physiology, and spiritual experience are interrelated and interconnected dimensions of the whole self. To better understand any one dimension requires exploration of all dimensions. Such an exploration fosters emotional balance and a deeper understanding of our attitudes, behavior and spiritual development.
The 40 Days Alchemy of Tranquility Series is designed for individuals interested in further exploring the multiple dimensions of self, as well as for practicing psychotherapists who are interested in methods for addressing these dimensions with their clients. CEU credits are available. CEUs provided by International Association of Sufism (40 Days: Alchemy of Tranquility Program), #95354*.
Evening, day-long, and week-end workshop sessions are offered throughout the year at a variety of locations.
Participants interested in more intensive study and who wish to fully integrate, through concentrated practice, the concepts presented in day-long sessions may sign-up for a guided practice group that meets weekly over a 40 day period. Attendance of at least one of workshop sessions is required and there is a separate registration form and fee.
What to Expect
The workshops introduce techniques of ancient wisdom that lead to confidence and stability. The principles and practices of psychological and spiritual development include:
- Awareness of the body and bringing it into a state of equilibrium.
- Exploring the dimensions of ego and using it effectively.
- Recognizing the power of mind and its influence on personality.
- Increasing concentration, presence, and focus.
- Bringing intention and action into alignment.
- Accessing the wisdom of the heart and experiencing tranquility.